Tuesday, June 30, 2009

me as of late

its funny i keep posting with no followers.lol. its like i really am doing this just for me. plus i really still dont know how to use this. im too impatient to sit and read stuff. not good.


omg.love these shoes.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

old ky home

i live in kentucky. in one of three most noteable cities. fashion here sucks ass.

i dont really fit in with 95% of the people here. ky girls wear sperrys uggs american eagle and wetseal all day everyday. or either they are complete rebel emo and shop at hot topic pacsun and journeys and skate. and to top it off im constantly being judged by older women who wear only sag harbor and cato clothing, so naturally im constantly fighting everyone around me just to be myself.

i believe in experimenting. at least if it didnt look good you'll get a good laugh out of it later. but in my family everyone feels they need to give theyre opinion and once they give it you should conform. um no. there. i said it.

now a couple months back i went to a wale concert here, and finally discovered the rest of the stifled fahionista population of ky. i felt so at home. i took my brother and his friend to the concert and when we got back later that night my brother told my mom, "i know you think jackie is weird and dresses funny, but there is a whole other population of people out there just like her that she fits in with." him sticking up for me like that almost brought me to tears. cuz its been such an uphill battle; me against the world. its good to know who has your back. a week later i found chictopia.com now i am sooo much better. i have proof to show anyone who thinks im crazy, hey this is whats happening in the fashion world. people are taking risks with expression and creating beauty. so. suck on that!
(i know that alexander wang is from last year but i love it nonetheless)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

diy addiction???

just sorta figured out what it is that my passion is. i dont know why it took me so long. ive always been crafty. when i was a kid id beg my mom for the necklace or loom kits. i taught myself how to knit and crochet, and just recently figured out the basics of my sewing machine. i love art and music.

by golly ive got it!!

im a diy junkie!!!

so...i jus had to get that off my chest, now i can move on with my life and perhaps figure out what exactly it is im doing

Thursday, June 18, 2009

rock in a hard place

my dillemmas these days really revolve around how much $$ can i make to add to my Getoutofmyparentshouse Fund. i need two jobs for this. i wanted a day job. cant seem to come by one but was offered a weekend job at amazon. 7a.m. till 6 p.m. saturdays and sundays. those are my only two days off. i work twilight shift at UPS right next door. meaning i work 5 to 10 monday thru friday.

for me its a hard decision because of all id be giving up. id have more money to the fund and no energy for days at a time. so the real qustion is would i rather be broke living with my parents or recieving cash flow with no off days...

jeez im going nuts, plus i have plans for a shitload of weekends coming up.

3 am..its a nu day

thought i should finally get on this blog. turn it into what it should be. of course i waited till 3:34 am before i got to it. that said, heres a taste of what you will be getting from me.

  • fashion

  • music

  • laughs

  • life

  • and love =]

there. now i dont really know whos going to read this but whoever you are i hope you enjoy.